The landing page also gives you a snapshot of each note: its title, creation date and time, file size, whether it contains an audio file (indicated by the words "Rec" next to a red dot), and Subject.Īn unencumbered interface ( see the slideshow) makes Notability fairly easy to use, although a few minor inconsistencies had me poking around in a trial-and-error hunt for the right button. Subjects are the filing system used in this app, and they function much like folders, or what Evernote calls Notebooks. Maneuvering Within Notability Launch Notability, and you'll land on a screen that provides an overview of all your notes and Subjects. If you don't think you'd put that sketch pad to work, however, you're better off with Evernote or another free note app. Having a mini art application built right inside the note-taking app could be tremendously useful to certain kinds of users. Notability's real edge is its sketching and image mark-up feature, called the Figure Editor.

Evernote in particular offers enough features to meet the needs of most users, even if it can't do everything that Notability can. That pricepoint makes Notability is a good bargain, although there are plenty of decent free note-taking apps, such as Evernote (for iPad) (3 stars) and Notetable (for iPad) (3 stars). Ginger Labs, which developed the app, charges a mere 99 cents for Notability, originally billed as a limited time offer, but apparently now here to stay. Notability is a dream to use if you need all these features, but it could be a waste of five bucks if you don't. For writers, Notability includes dozens of fonts, text point sizes, colors, and a solid number of formatting presets (such as bullet points, indents, and so forth). It supports text, images, and audio recordings, and contains a sketch pad that lets you not only draw new images, but also mark up images, Web clips, and clip art that you import. The iPad and iPad 2 app Notability is one of the most fully-featured note-taking programs for mobile devices. Best Hosted Endpoint Protection and Security Software.